ReThinking CONFLICTS – How are conflicts reflected in objects?
Project show
Conflicts arise between individuals, social groups or nations and peoples. They are multi-layered and complex. Objects are often preserved as important traces. How conflicts enter the collective memory culture depends on prevailing power structures and the respective representation and narrative. How can we interpret these today? How much does today influence our view of past conflicts? How do we deal with recurring conflicts over the centuries?
In the project show “ReThinking CONFLICTS” we approach three different historical conflicts and contexts from different perspectives through three objects. These perspectives reveal the complexity of conflicts and encourage us to challenge traditional narratives. The objects on display come from the museum collections in Graz, Athens and Nicosia.
ReInHerit – Make it your own
Who owns cultural heritage, and how will we deal with it in the future? These questions were the cornerstone of the EU-funded project “ReInHerit”, which is a joint venture by several cultural and educational institutions. In a collaborative process, the Graz Museum, together with the Museum of Cycladic Art in Athens and the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation in Nicosia, developed a concept for a growing travelling exhibition, three digital exhibitions and a growing digital collection on the themes of conflict, craftmanship and gender roles. The mission of museums is to make cultural heritage accessible to an interested public. That is why we have explored the question of how objects can be presented in space when the original itself cannot be exhibited. The objects shown digitally in space by the three partner museums are given an unconventional form of presentation that offers innovative ways of interacting. The flexible exhibition concept will continue to grow steadily as it is adopted and expanded by other interested cultural institutions. The project show “ReThinking CONFLICTS – How are conflicts reflected in the object?” will launch at the Graz Museum.
In March 2023, the Museum of Cycladic Art and the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation will open the project show “ReThinking IDENTITIES” and “ReThinking CRAFTSMANSHIP”, which will also be on view at the Graz Museum in the course of the year.
Institutions and museums interested in taking on the project can find the necessary information on the ReInHerit Digital Hub from April 2023 or contact the following address in advance via email: reinherit@stadt.graz.at.