Graz Museum events

Graz Museum Sackstraße

Graz and Styria in 90 minutes

, | 14.00

Do you have 90 minutes to spare? Then let us explore important stages of Graz’s city history and Styrian regional history together by looking at selected items from the Graz Museum and the History Museum.The guided tour starts at Graz Museum. Tickets available at Tourist Information Region Graz.

Graz Museum Sackstraße

Graz and Styria in 90 minutes

, | 14.00

Do you have 90 minutes to spare? Then let us explore important stages of Graz’s city history and Styrian regional history together by looking at selected items from the Graz Museum and the History Museum.The guided tour starts at Graz Museum. Tickets available at Tourist Information Region Graz.

More about us

topotheque Graz

Do you have something for the topotheque Graz Geidorf? Contact us! We look forward to your objects, your knowledge and your stories.


Ticket Information

Find out everything about our opening hours, reduced prices and free admission for children and young adults up to their 19th birthday.


Municipal Archives Graz

The Graz City Archive has been part of the Stadtmuseum Graz GmbH since 1st April 2014, together with the GrazMuseum it represents the centre for city and city history in Graz.

Postcard Collection Online

Find out more about the history of the city in the Postcard Collection Online of the GrazMuseum.



Who owns cultural heritage, and how will we deal with it in the future? These questions were the cornerstone of the EU-funded project “ReInHerit”, which is a joint venture by several cultural and educational institutions.


exakt! The World of Anton Paar

The exhibition about the Graz global corporation Anton Paar can not only be visited in the Graz Museum, but also online.
