SIKCE: Osrednja knižnica Celje / Zentrale Bibliothek Celje

Graz Museum Sackstraße | 03.10.2019—09.02.2020


Picture postcards of historical Lower Styria / Razglednice zgodovinske Spodnje Štajerske 1890-1920

Do you know Styria? Did you know that there are two of them today, one in Slovenia and one in Austria? And that these two separate “Styrias” were once one region?
Until 1918, Slovenian Štajerska and Austrian Steiermark together formed a crownland of the Hapsburg monarchy, which was strongly marked by bilingualism in its southernmost part. The exhibition cautiously approaches the common history using a widespread medium of that time: the picture postcard. It asks about the coexistence, cooperation and sometimes also antagonism of the German- and Slovenian-speaking population in Lower Styria. And it asks what picture postcards tell us about the connections of this multilingual society with its capital Graz.

Poznate Štajersko? Ste vedeli, da danes obstajata dve Štajerski, ena v Sloveniji in ena v Avstriji? In da sta bili ti dve ločeni Štajerski nekoč združeni v eno samo regijo?
Avstrijska in slovenska Štajerska sta vse do leta 1918 skupaj tvorili eno od kronovin habsburške monarhije, ki jo je na njenem najjužnejšem delu bistveno zaznamovala dvojezičnost. Tej dvojezični pokrajini se skušamo približati z veliko občutljivostjo in preko zelo razširjenega medija tistega časa – razglednice. Razstava si zastavlja vprašanja o sobivanju, sožitju ter nasprotjih nemško in slovensko govorečih prebivalcev Spodnje Štajerske. Pa tudi o tem, kaj o odnosih te večjezične družbe z glavnim mestom Gradcem pripovedujejo razglednice.

A cooperation of GrazMuseum with the Article-VII Cultural Association for Styria – Pavelhaus | Pavlova hiša and the FWF project (P-28950) Postcarding Nation, Language, and Identities. Lower Styria on Picture Postcards (Department of Slavonic Studies, University of Graz). Both the exhibition and the catalogue are bilingual.

Razstava je nastala v sodelovanju s Kulturnim društvom Člen VII za avstrijsko Štajersko / Pavlova hiša in
FWF-projektom (P-28950) Postcarding Nation, Language, and Identities (Univerza v Gradcu).

Concept and texts: Karin Almasy, Eva Tropper
Curators: David Kranzelbinder, Eva Tropper
Support: Martin Sauerbrey
Project management FWF-Project: Heinrich Pfandl
Project controlling: Sibylle Dienesch
Coordination GrazMuseum: Johanna Fiedler
Video and exhibition design: David Kranzelbinder
Graphic design: Matjaž Wenzel


Permanent exhibitions

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